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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Today is not Thursday...

Nope, my friends, 'tis not called Thursday anymore...it's officially GREY'SDAY. Anyone else as pumped as I am?! I absolutely love love love Grey's Anatomy and could not wait for it to come back on after taking a break for the holidays. Some say it's gotten old and boring...although somehow at the same time they are the same people who still watch the show Lost...go figure. However, I am one of the normal (debatable, i'm aware) people who still can't get enough...and end up naming my entire day after it.

If I ever contract some disease, you bet your asses I'm flying 'cross country to Seattle Grace. Let a girl dream...

So besides that, I am babysitting my nephews tonight and am so excited about that! I can't wait to see them! Richie, who is now 2 and a half (weird!) just recently pee peed and poopied on the potty (that's right ladies and gentlemen...give it up for him! and my wonderful persistant and patient sister!) so i can't wait to see him and celebrate with a big hug and kiss. And I couldn't leave little 4 month old Vincenzo without some kisses, so I won't leave him hanging...I'm all about sharing the love here, people. :)

My favorite picture of us 3, just a blown up version of the one on the side. :)

And oh right...about that paper due tomorrow... ;)

Hang in there...only one more sleep until Friday y'all!

Curlygirl <3

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