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Monday, January 11, 2010

There's a reason why they're called mundane Mondays...

Happy Monday!

Mondays are the absolute worst day of the week. There's no getting around it. I kinda feel like Monday's are the 'killjoy' of life. You're all high and mighty on the weekends (hopefully not literally, but I won't judge you if you're into those sorts of things), enjoying your social life, only to come across very soon the universal slap in the face known as Monday Mornings. Its' almost like a bucket of water is splattered over top of you called reality, screaming, "WAKE UP DARCY! IT'S 5:20 AM AND YOU HAVE SCHOOL FOR THE NEXT 7 HOURS OF YOUR DAY, NOT TO MENTION THE NEXT 5 DAYS OF THE WEEK".

And what do I do? Pull the covers over my head while laying in my warm comfy bed and continued sleeping for the next 40 minutes.

So that's how my day started, I jumped up in a panic at 6:00 and somehow made it out the door by 7:05. And I know what you're all thinking (well...all two of you anyways :))..."Darc, you can't get ready in a little over an hour?"...And this is where I direct you to the picture on the top of the page...try fighting that beast every morning...yeah, it takes some time.

My Combat Weapons <3
The rest of my day went pretty well though. Tonight I have some hardcore homework ahead of me, and I need to paint nails and watch the Bachelor :) Should be a good night.
Talk to you all soon! Wish me an early rise tomorrow. :)
PS. Thanks to my two followers! I can't believe people are actually interested in what I have to say :o!

1 comment:

Sydneeeey said...

i don't get how people wouldn't follow you!! you're just toooooo cute girl! :)

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