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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A new day, a new look

...Nope, not for me. My hair's still curly. It's the blog I'm talking about, that got a new makeover! I like it for now, it's cutesie (which may or may not be a word) and fresh, so it's going to do for now...that is, until I get bored and change things up.

So let's talk about change, shall we? Earlier today my best friend Michele and I were talking about "change", and how we're not fans of it--at all. Allow me to make an allusion. When I was younger, say 6 or 7 years old, I used to sleep on this really old mattress (a hand-me-down from my older sister no doubt) that had springs coming out of it and my favorite Barney sheets. Thinking they were doing me a favor, my parents bought be a new mattress, all covered in new sheets--and I freaked. I hated it. It was not the same, I missed my Barney sheets, and I REFUSED to sleep on the bed. I continued, for the next six months or so, to sleep on the floor, and would bawl my eyes out everytime the topic of my 'new bed' came up. My poor parents.

But it didn't dawn on me until now, that what I was really crying about was not the loss of my old mattress or Barney sheets, but the gain of something new in my life--something that would take some getting used to--a change. And since then, I've always been a slow transitioner and a fan of the same old-- a fan of stability, to say the least.

So I leave you with that.

I made it through Monday! Happy Tuesday, y'all...enjoy the rest of your night :)


PS. Still haven't painted my nails. Keep running out of time...I blame the blog. ;)

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