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Monday, January 25, 2010

Sniff effin' Sniff.

Okay so let me just prepare you. I have a pet peeve. What is it, you ask? SNIFF SNIFF. SNIFF SNIFF. SNIFF SNIFF.


Ugh, so Friday afternoon, I'm sitting in my dreaded history class. So let me just give you a little glimpse of what this place I call Hell is like. For one, I'm sitting in this insanely uncomfortable desk that is so uncomforable that sometimes I wish I was just sitting on the floor. If that's not bad enough, it's the last period of the day, it's a Friday, and we're doing this ridiculous in-class writing assignment that asked me to "analyze the effectiveness of FDR's efforts towards the Great Depression and the ways in which his presidency changed the role of federal government." (I know you're all DYING to answer this, so I'll allow essays in comments to be acceptable)

So I bet you're wondering where my pet peeve comes in to play. I don't even know where it comes from. If I could guess, it's probably from my mom, cause I remember how she would always yell at me for sniffling while I had a cold. So besides the point, my best friend Jenn sits behind me, and during the ENTIRE...and allow me to repeat myself ENTIRE class she would sniff every 28 seconds (yes, I counted, and to be honest with you it was the only thing that kept me from suicide). And it's not even like it was a little sniffle, nor was it a huge motion where she sucked the snot out of her nose so horrendous that I wondered if there was some on my back. It was just this little monotonous "sniff sniff" that drived me absolutely insane.

Maybe I'm being too dramatic...but you know what I mean when I say my blood was BOILING!

So I ask you, all 6 (yayyy!!!) of you, what's your pet peeve? Whether it be chewing with your mouth open or pee on the toilet seat when you walk into a stall...share with me!!

More importantly, I hope you have a great night!

<3 Curlygirl

Ps. Happy Monday! Notice how I skipped right over that? ;)

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