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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I'm out of ideas.

Ugh, my mind is blank! I don't know how you bloggers do it--God bless you! Today was one of those blank days and I have nothing remotely interesting to write about--but hell, I'm writing anyway. Because I know I couldn't leave you religous followers out in the cold! All 4 of you!!! That's right, I'm now up to 4 and love every single one of you, and if it stays this way forever, I'd be perfectly happy just to know I entered the world of blogs! (although, more followers are welcome, and very much apreciated...just kidding...no i'm not).

So I got home at 6:30 today, and fell in love. With who you ask? No one. With what, you then ask? With noodles, boys and girls. That's right. My life has just reached its ultimate low--so low that I am now falling in love with noodless. Please pray for me.

Ugh, I want more of their beefy slimy goodness. With some high sodium on the side, please and thank you.

SO can we talk Bachelor real quick?! Because I just get completely more and more enthralled with this show with every minute that I watch. The crazy bitch left! Just left! I could not stop laughing both with embarrassment for her and joy that she's gone. However, I am kinda gonna miss the drama she used to cause--wait, did I just say that? Need I remind you, the bitch is insane. I'm talking, lack of any mind whatsoever. Other than that I'm starting to really like Ella and the fact that Jake brought her son Ethan was cute--I actually felt myself tearing up (but that doesn't tell you much 'cause I'm one of those people that could cry at sad commercials)...but to be honest with you I'm not really feeling the connection between Jake and Ella. So who knows. Oh and on a final note: Elizabeth "I don't wanna kiss you do you wanna kiss me no don't kiss me" didn't get a rose and I was also very very excited. And even more so that he called her out on her mixed signals. You go, boy!

Okay enough about my weird connection to corny 'unrealistic' reality shows. I'm done.

Off to watch Teen Mom...birth control in itself...even though I do kinda wonder what it'd be like to have a kid at this age.

But I'll keep to watching it on TV instead of experiencing it in real life...

Goodnight <3



Alexis Hooke said...

I enjoy your blog! Keep working at it and it'll come more and more naturally. I hate cats too and LOVE tuna fish sandwiches with pickles. Mmmm

Miss Lucia said...

Thank you so much!! It's nice to meet you, I just read some of your blog as well and you're too cute! :)

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