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Sunday, March 21, 2010


Hello hello hello my friends! Haven't talked to you all since...WINTER! Eh, those dark and dreary months. It's as though the clouds have parted and the sun has shone through...sorry, too philophical for you? Fine. Whatevski. Allow me to make a list for you instead, to channel my happiness.

Things that are cool:
1) 70 degree weather...all weekend.
2) Free Waterice at Rita's.
3) Getting a job at Rita's. :)
4) Spring.
5) Birds.
5) Pretty nail polish.
6) Regina Spektor.
7) Wearing flip flops.
8) Having hardly any school work.
9) My birthday and LISCENSE quickly approaching.
10)Amazing weekends.

Things that aren't as cool:
1) Gaining three pounds.
2) School tomorrow.
3) AP Tests soon.
4) Having to take the SAT seriously.
5) Not having a car RIGHT NOW.
6) Running out of hairspray (almost suicide worthy, sheesh)
7) Waking up early on a Sunday :(

Looks like the good outweighs the bad, guess I can't complain :)

<3 Curlygirl

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